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What is Tapering? fitness tapering

What is Tapering? fitness کمرنگ شدن

10000 رول/روز، چین|چینی||کارخانه|تولیدکننده|تامین کننده|شرکت| عمده فروشی زیست شناسی نوار قیمت

Taper is a strategy used by people engaged in endurance sports to reduce the مقدار of پرورش before activities or competitions. The rationale behind this strategy is that reducing the مقدار of training will help you save energy while reducing your recovery needs. This is a way to prepare the body for activity and improve performance.

There are many ways to taper, but the most common is that the amount of training is small. This particular method has been shown to significantly improve endurance. Other methods can reduce the amount and intensity of training.

While taper is often used to prepare for specific events, it can also benefit your regular training performance, including providing better recovery, helping prevent injuries, and getting mental rest from rigorous training. Gradual reduction is also often combined with carbohydrate load to keep the body in the best energy and recovery position before activity.

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What is Tapering? fitness tapering-CAREPROHEALTH- 人体工学胶带、弹性绷带、Would 敷料、交叉胶带、运动硬质胶带、弹性胶带、拉伸绷带、粘性绷带、Underwrap 泡沫、冰球胶带、创可贴、棉运动胶带、人造丝运动胶带、曲棍球胶带、手指胶带,PU胶带,PE胶带,丝绸胶带,纸胶带,鞋跟胶带,伤口敷料,硅胶贴片(去除疤痕),Dexcom贴片,吸塑创可贴,痤疮贴片,脚趾甲贴纸,嘴贴,乳头罩,胸部提升胶带,面部提升胶带,定制贴片,各种创可贴,蓝色金属可探测创可贴,不同形状创可贴,卡通创可贴,透明创可贴,织物创可贴,防水创可贴,丁腈手套,防毒手套,PL手术手套,乳胶手术手套,男用避孕套,女用避孕套