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How do you tape the outside of the ankle sports? kinesio tape outside ankle

Sen qanday qilib tarmoqli ning tashqi tomoni oyoq Bilagi zo’r sports? kinesio tarmoqli tashqarida oyoq Bilagi zo’r

10000 rulon/kun, Xitoy|Xitoy||Zavod|Ishlab chiqaruvchi|Yetkazib beruvchi|Kompaniya| ulgurji kinesiologiya tarmoqli narx

How do you tape the outside of the ankle sports? kinesio tape outside ankle-CAREPROHEALTH- Kinesiologik lenta, elastik yopishtiruvchi bandajlar, bog'lovchi lenta, ko'ndalang lenta, sport qattiq lenta, elastik yopishtiruvchi bandaj, cho'zilgan bandaj, biriktiruvchi bandaj, o'ralgan ko'pik, xokkey lentasi, bandaj yordami, paxta sport lentasi Rayoney sport lentasi, Hock sport lentasi Lenta, PU lenta, pe lenta, ipak lenta, qog'oz lenta, to'piq lentasi, yarani yopish, silikon yamalar (chandiqni olib tashlash), Dexcom yamoqlari, blister tasmasi, akne yamoqlari, oyoq tirnoqlari uchun stiker, og'iz lentasi, ko'krak qafasi, ko'krakni ko'taruvchi lenta, Yuzni ko'tarish lentasi, moslashtirilgan yamoqlar, turli xil tarmoqli yordami, ko'k metallni aniqlaydigan tarmoqli Ai, turli shakldagi lenta yordami, multfilm uchun lenta yordami, shaffof lenta yordami, mato lentasi, suv o'tkazmaydigan lenta yordami, nitril qo'lqoplar, virusga qarshi qo'lqoplar, jarrohlik G. Lateks jarrohlik qo'lqoplari, erkaklar prezervativlari, ayollar prezervativlari

Take a piece of intramuscular tape, starting from the outside of the ankle, about 4 to 6 inches from the ankle. When you place the tape on the heel, create a stirrup effect, pull the tape to the other side, over the inside of the ankle, and stop at the same level as the first tape.

Measure enough tape from the short peroneal muscle to the long peroneal muscle. Measure the tape to further create a Y-cut.

Split the tape vertically to create your Y-cut. Wrap around the end of your tape.

Make one of the tails / ends of the Y-cut shorter.

Secure the tape without any taranglik. Rub the tape to activate the adhesive. Next, apply 25% taranglik to the middle of the tape. To attach the peroneal brevis, take the shorter tail of the y-bar and give it 25% tension when applying. Make sure that no tension is applied to the end of the tape

Then, take the long tail of the Y-shaped band and take the long peroneal muscle. Wrap it around your ankle with 25% tension. Again, make sure that no tension is applied to the end of the tape.

Rub the tape to activate the adhesive.

mahsulot Sportchilarning kinesiologiya tasmasi, sport mushaklari suv o’tkazmaydigan sportchilar terapiyasi kinesiologiya tasmasi, suv o’tkazmaydigan rangli kinesiologik lenta

Mato: 97% taroqli paxta + 3% Dupont Spandex

Mato: 97% taroqli rayon + 3% Dupont Spandex

Mato: 97% taralgan neylon + 3% Dupont Spandex
Yelim: moslashtirilgan tibbiy akril elim

1, suv o’tkazmaydigan va terga chidamli, 70% suv o’tkazmaydigan (3-daraja)
2, yumshoq mato
3, yopishqoq, 7 kundan ortiq. (Yelimning mustahkamligi: 5N/sm, oddiy lentadan ikki baravar)
4, hipoalerjenik (tibbiy akril elim)
5, elastiklik ≥160%

1, Fasya og’ish
2, mushakni mustahkamlang va bo’shashtiring
3, qon aylanishini rag’batlantirish
4, limfa o’zgarishi
5, og’riq va og’riqni kamaytiring
6, sport ko’rsatkichlarini oshirish
OEM / so’rov bo’yicha moslashtirish
Mavjud (Past MOQ OEM-da yaxshi)
ISO13485, Idoralar, FDA, REACH (SVHC), BSCI
o’tkazilishi ehtimoli bor
10000 rulon/kun, Xitoy|Xitoy||Zavod|Ishlab chiqaruvchi|Yetkazib beruvchi|Kompaniya|
Moslashtirish|Buyurtmalangan|moslashtirilgan moslashtirilgan
buyurtma|So’rov bo’yicha moslashtirish|OEM
ODM|shaxsiy label|Shaxsiylashtirish|individuallashtirilgan|