- 05
- Apr
How to Use Kinesiology Tape to Treat Golfer’s Elbow ,kinesiology tape on elbow?
How to Use Kinesiology Tape to Treat Golfer’s Elbow ,ኪኔሲዮሎጂ ቲፕ on ክንድ?
አንዴ የእናንተ ኪኔሲዮሎጂ ቲፕ on elbow passes through your elbow, remove the paper backing from one of the “Y” arms. Stretch the tape onto the forearm, then press and rub to secure the tape to the forearm.
Remove the paper from the remaining arm of “Y”, then stretch it 25-50% and stick it to the forearm. Gently wipe to ensure proper adhesion and that there are no wrinkles on the kinesiology tape on elbow.
After sticking kinesiology tape on elbow on your elbow, you can start. You can keep the tape for 2-5 days, it may get wet. Pay attention to whether the skin around the tape shows signs of irritation. If the skin is red, please remove the sports function tape.
የምርት | የአትሌቶች ኪኔሲዮሎጂ ቴፕ፣የስፖርት ጡንቻ ውሃ የማይገባ አትሌቶች ቴራፒ ኪንሲዮሎጂ ቴፕ፣ ውሃ የማይገባ ቀለም ያለው ኪንሲዮሎጂ ቴፕ |
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ጨርቅ:97% የተቀመረ ናይሎን + 3% ዱፖንት Spandex
ሙጫ፡ ብጁ የሕክምና አክሬሊክስ ሙጫ
1, የውሃ መከላከያ እና ላብ, 70% የውሃ መከላከያ (ደረጃ 3) (የሙጫ ጥንካሬ፡ 5N/ሴሜ፣ከመደበኛ ቴፕ በእጥፍ)
4, ሃይፖአለርጅኒክ (የሕክምና አክሬሊክስ ማጣበቂያ) 5, የመለጠጥ ችሎታ ≥160% |
1, Fascia አቅጣጫ መቀየር
2, ጡንቻን ማጠናከር እና ዘና ማድረግ 3, የደም ዝውውርን ያበረታታል 4, የሊምፍ አቅጣጫ መቀየር 5, ህመምን እና ህመምን ይቀንሱ 6, የአትሌቲክስ አፈፃፀምን ያሳድጉ |
ኦሪጂናል ዕቃ አምራች/ብጁ ማድረግ ሲጠየቅ
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