- 01
- Jun
How often should I use massage ball? Cork fascia ball
How often should I use massage ball? Cork fascia ball
Kuniga 10,000 XNUMX rulon, Xitoy|Xitoy||Zavod|Ishlab chiqaruvchi|Yetkazib beruvchi|Kompaniya| Ulgurji Kinesiologiya tarmoqli narx
Careprohealth Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.
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Elektron pochta: info@careprohealthmed.com
Veb-sayt: www.careprohealthmed.com
Whatsapp/Wechat: +86 136 8523 7277
Elektron pochta: info@careprohealthmed.com
Veb-sayt: www.careprohealthmed.com
If you feel your muscles need it, you can repeat it twice a day. After loosening the knot, gently stretch the same muscle. After that, you can exercise your muscles slightly, but you should avoid 24 hours of fatigue.
mahsulot | Sportchilar kinesiologiyasi lentasi, sport mushaklari suv o’tkazmaydigan sportchilar terapiyasi kinesiologiya tasmasi, suv o’tkazmaydigan rangli kinesiologik lenta |
MODDIY | Mato: 97% taroqli paxta + 3% Dupont Spandex |
Mato: 97% taroqli rayon + 3% Dupont Spandex | |
Mato: 97% taralgan neylon + 3% Dupont Spandex | |
Yelim: moslashtirilgan tibbiy akril elim | |
xususiyat | 1, suv o’tkazmaydigan va terga chidamli, 70% suv o’tkazmaydigan (3-daraja) |
2, yumshoq mato | |
3, yopishqoq, 7 kundan ortiq. (Yelimning mustahkamligi: 5N/sm, oddiy lentadan ikki baravar) | |
4, hipoalerjenik (tibbiy akril elim) | |
5, elastiklik ≥160% | |
FUNCTION | 1, Fasyani burish |
2, mushakni mustahkamlang va bo’shashtiring | |
3, qon aylanishini rag’batlantirish | |
4, limfa o’zgarishi | |
5, og’riq va og’riqni kamaytiring | |
6, sport ko’rsatkichlarini oshirish | |
OEM / so’rov bo’yicha moslashtirish | Mavjud (LOW MOQ OEM da yaxshi) |
BEPUL SAMPELLAR | o’tkazilishi ehtimoli bor |
Mumkin | 10,000 XNUMX roll/kun, Xitoy|Xitoy|Zavod|Ishlab chiqaruvchi|Yetkazib beruvchi|Ulgurji Kinesiologiya tarmoqli narx |
xususiylashtirish | Moslashtirish|Buyurtmalangan|moslashtirilgan moslashtirilgan |
buyurtma|So’rov bo’yicha moslashtirish|OEM | |
ODM|xususiy yorliq|Shaxsiylashtirish|individuallashtirilgan| |