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How to apply kinesiology tape to shoulder and neck?

Sida loo codsado sineology cajalad to shoulder and qoorta?

10000rolls/maalintii,Shiinaha|Shiine||Warshad|Sare-Sare|Alaabo|Shirkad| jumlo sineology cajalad qiimaha

A neck strain is an injury to the muscles that connect and move the head and upper spine – symptoms may include muscle spasms, decreased flexibility, and pain. You will find a simple Kinesio Taping neck app below:


Cut off about 20 cm of “Y” tape. Remove the paper backing from the anchor. Without stretching the tape, place the anchor point of the tape strip in the center of the spine, about 5-10 cm below the neck anchor point.

Tilt your head forward and left. Start to stick the tail of the right tape on the right side of the neck. Be careful not to stick the end of the tape on loose hair.

Using the left tape tail, repeat the previous step for the other side of the neck.

Once applied in the correct position, it is important to rub the ends of both tapes to activate the adhesive.

Next, cut a piece of “I” tape about 10-12 cm long. Tear off the tape paper backing in the center of the tape to expose the central part of the adhesive. Apply the tape to the tense part of the neck with minimum tension. There is no stretch at the end of the application. Wipe the tape. Application completed.

How to apply kinesiology tape to shoulder and neck?-CAREPROHEALTH- kineziologická páska, elastické adhezívne obväzy, obväz, krížová páska, športová tuhá páska, elastická lepiaca páska, natiahnutá bandáž, súdržná bandáž, spodná pena, hokejová páska, páska, bavlnená športová páska z hodvábu, športová páska na prsty, hokejová páska Páska, PU páska, PE páska, hodvábna páska, papierová páska, páska na päty, obväz na rany, silikónové náplasti (odstráňte jazvu), náplasti Dexcom, páska na pľuzgiere, náplasti na akné, nálepka na nechty, páska na ústa, kryty bradaviek, páska na zdvíhanie prsníkov, Face Lift Tape,Prispôsobené náplasti,Rôzne náplasti,Blue Metal Detectable Band Ai,Rôzny tvar Band Aid,Cartoon Band Aid,Transparentná páska,Látková náplasť,Vodeodolná náplasť,Nitrilové rukavice,Antivírusové rukavice,Pl chirurgické rukavice, Latexové chirurgické rukavice, mužské kondómy, ženské kondómy


Product Ciyaartoyga Kinesiology Cajalad,Muruqa Ciyaaraha Ciyaartoyga aan Biyo Celin ee Daawaynta Sharoobada Kinesiology, Cajalad Kinesiology Midabaysan
WAXYAABAHA Dharka: 97% Cudbi Tolan + 3% Dupont Spandex
Dharka: 97% Shanley Rayon + 3% Dupont Spandex
Dharka: 97% Nayloon ka samaysan + 3% Dupont Spandex
Xabagta: Xabagta akriliga ee la caadaystay
Habkaani 1,Cadaynta biyaha iyo dhididka, 70% biyaha caddaynta (Heerka 3)
2,Maro jilicsan
3, Ku dheggan, in ka badan 7 maalmood.
4,Hypoallergenic (Xabagta Akril)
5, Elasticity ≥160%
SHAQEEYAAN 1, Fascia weecinta
2,Xooji oo naso muruqa
3, Kor u qaadida wareegga dhiigga
4,Lymph weecinta
5,Karee xanuunka iyo xanuunka
6, Kobcinta waxqabadka ciyaaraha fudud
OEM/is-habaynta marka la codsado La heli karo (Ku Wacan LOW MOQ OEM)
Caddaynta ISO13485, CE, FDA, REACH(SVHC), BSCI
BEDELKA 10000rolls/maalintii,Shiinaha|Shiine||Warshad|Sare-Sare|Alaabo|Shirkad|
Customization Habaynta
habayn|Cadaynta marka la codsado|OEM
ODM|calaamadaha gaarka ah|Shakhsinimada|Shakhsi ahaaneed|