- 05
- Apr
Kumaha cara nerapkeun pita kinesiologi dina pituduh tuur?
Kumaha nerapkeun kinesiologi kaset dina pituduh tuur?
10000 gulungan / dinten, Cina|Cina||Pabrik|Produsen|Pamasok|Pausahaan| borongan kinesiologi kaset harga
The best chiropractors, physiotherapists and sports doctors use these techniques kinesiology tape on knee.
Step by step taping parentah kinesiology tape on dengkul:
1. Pastikeun kulit anjeun beresih.
2. Cut four 14 inch strips and two 10 inch strips.
3. Round the four corners of the tape to improve durability.
4. Kudu sabar ngabengkokkeun tuur 45 derajat.
5. Larapkeun dua 14 strips inci tina tegangan sabudeureun dengkul ka quadriceps femoris (pingping) otot kalawan 0% tegangan dina duanana tungtung.
6. Apply a 10 inch strip to the inside and outside of the knee at approximately 40% tension, with 0% tension at both ends.
7. Ngagantelkeun dua strips 14 inci kana otot hamstring di kira 40% tegangan jeung 0% tegangan dina duanana tungtung.
barang | Pita Kinesiologi Atlét, Pita Kinesiologi Otot Olahraga Otot Waterproof Terapi Kinesiologi, Pita Kinesiologi Warna-warni Tahan Air |
Lawon: 97% Katun Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex lawon: 97% Combed Rayon + 3% Dupont Spandex
lawon: 97% Combed Nylon + 3% Dupont Spandex
Lem: ngaropéa Médis Acrylic lem
hal nu husus
1,Tahan cai sareng tahan kesang, 70% tahan cai (Level 3) (Kakuatan Lem: 5N/cm, GANDA TINA TAP Biasa)
4, Hypoallergenic (médis Acrylic lem) 5, élastisitas ≥160% |
1, Fascia hiburan
2, Nguatkeun sareng bersantai otot 3, Ngaronjatkeun sirkulasi getih 4, limfa alihan 5, Ngurangan nyeri jeung nyeri 6, Ningkatkeun kinerja athletic |
OEM / Kustomisasi kana pamundut
Sadia (Alus di LOW MOQ OEM)
ISO13485, CE, FDA, jangkauan (SVHC), BSCI
10000rolls / dinten, Cina|Cina||Pabrik|Produsen|Pamasok|Pausahaan|
Kustomisasi|Custom-Dijieun|custom custom
pesenan|Kustomisasi kana pamundut|OEM
ODM|pribados labél|Personalisasi|individual| |