- 18
- Apr
What’s the Best Ways to Use Kinesiology Tape?
What’s the Best Ways to Use Kinesiology Tape?
10000gulungan/dina,China|Cina||Pabrik|Produsen|Pemasok|Perusahaan| borongan kinesiologi tape price
Here are some tips on best practices for applying athletic tape:
Apply tape 30-60 minutes before starting any sports activities or shower.
First, clean the skin, remove dirt, lotion or extra hair, and prepare for your skin. Apply the tape directly to the exposed skin.
Try cutting and rounding the edges of the tape so that it does not wear or peel off.
Before using the tape, align it correctly and stretch it, but do not stretch the end of the tape. The end should be flat on your skin and should not pull the skin.
To help activate the adhesive activated by body temperature, gently wipe it with your hand.
Product | Pita Kinesiologi Atlet, Pita Kinesiologi Olahraga Otot Tahan Air Terapi Atlet, Pita Kinesiologi Warna-warni Tahan Air |
MATERIAL | Kain: 97% Cotton Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex |
Kain: 97% Rayon Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex | |
Kain: 97% Nylon Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex | |
Lem: Lem Akrilik Medis sing disesuaikan | |
FEATURE | 1, Anti banyu lan kringet, 70% tahan banyu (Level 3) |
2, kain alus | |
3, Lengket, luwih saka 7 dina.(Kekuwatan Lem: 5N/cm, GANDA DARI Pita Biasa) | |
4, Hypoallergenic (Lem Akrilik Medis) | |
5, Elastisitas ≥160% | |
FUNCTION | 1, Pengalihan fascia |
2, Nguatake lan ngendhokke otot | |
3, Ningkatake sirkulasi getih | |
4, Pengalihan limfa | |
5, Ngurangi lara lan nyeri | |
6, Ningkatake kinerja atletik | |
OEM / Kustomisasi miturut panyuwunan | Kasedhiya (Apik ing LOW MOQ OEM) |
SAMPEL GRATIS | Kasedhiyan |
KAPASITAS | 10000gulungan/dina,China|Cina||Pabrik|Produsen|Pemasok|Perusahaan| |
pangaturan | Kustomisasi|Custom-Made|customized |
pesenan|Kustomisasi miturut panyuwunan|OEM | |
ODM|label pribadi|Personalisasi|individual| |