- 07
- Apr
What do you do if you have a kinesiology tape rash?
What do you do if you have a kinesiologi tape ruam?
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If you are one of the few regular kinesiology tape users who DO get a rash, try these things:
Enough stretch. Do not add too much stretch in the middle of the tape.kinesiology tape rash to learn about tape protocols for different parts of your body and how much pressure you should put on your application
Jangkar yang lebih panjang. Beri diri Anda “jangkar” yang lebih panjang atau tempelkan ujung selotip.
Gunakan perekat ringan. Coba gunakan selotip motor yang tidak terlalu lengket – lebih banyak tidak selalu lebih baik untuk semua orang.
Apply tape to clean skin. Do not apply any emulsion or oil before the film.
Ini hanya bisa dipakai hingga 3 hari. Kaset hanya dapat digunakan hingga tiga hari. Kemudian, biarkan kulit Anda bernafas setidaknya sepanjang hari.
Make sure the kinesiology tape rash is clean. If you sweat heavily or the tape becomes dirty during any activity, please remove it and replace it with a new one.
Jika gatal, kupas. Jika Anda merasa gatal di bawah selotip, segera lepaskan.
Although the rash is usually red, itchy, and may be uneven, it usually disappears within a day. Do not reapply the kinesiology tape rash until the skin looks and feels completely normal. Then, follow up the application according to the above suggestions.
Produk | Atlet Kinesiologi Tape, Olahraga Otot Tahan Air Atlet Terapi Kinesiologi Tape, Tape Kinesiologi Tahan Air Warna-warni |
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Kain: 97% Combed Nylon + 3% Dupont Spandex
Lem: Lem Akrilik Medis yang disesuaikan
1, tahan air dan tahan keringat, 70% tahan air (Level 3) Kekuatan Lem: 5N/cm, GANDA DARI Pita Normal)
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1, Fasia pengalihan
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