- 07
- Apr
What is Y tape?How do you use kinesio y tape?
What is Y стужка,kinesio y tape ?How do you use kinesio Y tape,kinesio y tape?
10000 рулонаў/дзень,Кітай|Кітайскі||Фабрыка|Вытворца|Пастаўшчык|Кампанія| оптам кинезиология стужка цана
Area split the kinesio y tape by holding. And pull in and then that will just break off a back in naturally for you peel up active after Square two fingers then what we’re going to do now?
A “Y” kinesio y tape band is a piece of athletic tape that passes through sensitive areas of your body, such as behind your knees or in front of your elbows. It is also commonly used to control the position of the knee, such as patellofemoral pressure syndrome or patellar subluxation.
A “Y” kinesio y tape band is a piece of athletic tape that passes through sensitive areas of your body, such as behind your knees or in front of your elbows. It is also commonly used to control the position of the knee, such as patellofemoral pressure syndrome or patellar subluxation. The “Y” bar is usually not as long as the “X” bar. three
By cutting the “X” strip in half, you can easily make the “Y” strip. If you need a smaller “Y” bar, cut the “I” bar and cut it in half lengthwise, leaving about 1-2 inches at one end.
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Клей: індывідуальны медыцынскі акрылавы клей
1, воданепранікальны і поту, 70% воданепранікальны (узровень 3) (трываласць клею: 5 Н/см, у два разы, чым звычайная стужка)
4, гіпаалергенны (медыцынскі акрылавы клей) 5, эластычнасць ≥160% |
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