- 20
- Apr
How do you put KT tape on the back of your knee? Kinesiology Tape Manufacturer
How do you put KT kaset on the back of your knee? Kinesiology Tape
10000 gulungan / dinten, Cina|Cina||Pabrik|Produsen|Pamasok|Pausahaan| borongan kinesiologi kaset harga
Tinjauan Aplikasi
Pain in the back of the knee can be caused by many problems, including hamstring tendinitis, Baker’s cyst, hamstring tendinitis and other conditions, such as excessive use, resulting in swelling or inflammation. KT tape helps treat this condition by relaxing and supporting muscles, reducing pressure in painful areas and increasing blood circulation.
Kunaon anjeun peryogi?
2 complete 25 cm strips or KT tape
Pre event application
Apply one hour before starting the activity
Clean skin
Remove dirt, oil and lotion from the area.
Activated adhesive
Wipe the tape firmly after use to activate the adhesive
barang | Pita Kinesiologi Atlét, Pita Kinesiologi Otot Otot Tahan cai Terapi Atlét Kinesiologi, Pita Kinesiologi Warna-warni Tahan Air |
material | Lawon: 97% Katun Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex |
lawon: 97% Combed Rayon + 3% Dupont Spandex | |
lawon: 97% Combed Nylon + 3% Dupont Spandex | |
Lem: ngaropéa Médis Acrylic lem | |
hal nu husus | 1,Tahan cai sareng tahan kesang, 70% tahan cai (Level 3) |
2, lawon lemes | |
3, Lengket, leuwih ti 7 poé. (Kakuatan lem: 5N/cm, ganda ti pita Normal) | |
4, Hypoallergenic (médis Acrylic lem) | |
5, élastisitas ≥160% | |
fungsi | 1, alihan fascia |
2, Nguatkeun sareng bersantai otot | |
3, Ngaronjatkeun sirkulasi getih | |
4, limfa alihan | |
5, Ngurangan nyeri jeung nyeri | |
6, Ningkatkeun kinerja athletic | |
OEM / Kustomisasi kana pamundut | Sadia (Alus dina LOW MOQ OEM) |
sertipikat | ISO13485, CE, FDA, jangkauan (SVHC), BSCI |
SAMPEL GRATIS | Avaliable |
kapasitas | 10000rolls / dinten, Cina|Cina||Pabrik|Produsen|Pamasok|Pausahaan| |
kustomisasi | Kustomisasi|Custom-Dijieun|custom custom |
pesenan|Kustomisasi kana pamundut|OEM | |
ODM|label pribadi|Personalisasi|individual| |