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- Mar
Na Kinesiology Tape e sebetsa hantle ea kinesiology bakeng sa bohloko ba lengole?
Kinesiology ke eng? tepi?
Kinesiology tepi is a thin, elastic and elastic tape with acrylic tape directly attached to the skin. The thickness and elasticity of kinesiology tape are almost the same as that of human skin, which makes the tape area move unrestricted and provides support for muscles and joints.
tape ea kinesiology le phello e ntle ho bohloko ba mangole:
hoo e batlang e le liketsahalo tsohle tsa morao-rao tsa lipapali, haeba u ka ‘na ua kopana le ntho e le’ ngoe e tšoanang: Baatlelete ba apereng theipi ea lipapali kapa kinesiology bakeng sa bohloko ba lengole. Lilemong tse ‘maloa tse fetileng, tepi ea ts’ebetso ea lipapali e phatlohile lebaleng la pina le lebala. Phuputso ea morao tjena e fumane hore theipi ea kinesiology bakeng sa bohloko ba lengole e ka ntlafatsa bohloko ho bakuli ba osteoarthritis, ho ntlafatsa ho tsamaea ha manonyeletso le ho fokotsa bohloko.
Mokhoa oa ho sebelisa theipi ea Kinesiology bakeng sa bohloko ba lengole
Hape ho na le mabaka a mangata a mathata a mangole. kinesiology tape bakeng sa bohloko ba lengole : Ho se leka-lekane ha mesifa, boemo bo bobe ba ho matha, ho senyeha ha letheka kapa boemo bo bobe, khaello ea phepo e nepahetseng, ho ikoetlisa ka ho feteletseng, matšeliso bakeng sa kotsi e ‘ngoe, overextension, ramatiki le leqeba le lerootho la ligament ke tse ling tsa lisosa tse tloaelehileng tsa mahlaba a mangole. empa , theipi ea kinesiology bakeng sa bohloko ba lengole, Liphekolo tse tloaelehileng le tse sebetsang bakeng sa maemo ana kaofela li kenyelletsa ho eketseha ha phallo ea mali, ho fana ka tšehetso, ho fokotsa khatello ea kelello le ho boloka mefuta e mengata ea ho sisinyeha ho sebelisa tepi ea kinesiology bakeng sa bohloko ba lengole.
Product | Kinesiology tape for knee pain |
Lesela: 97% Combed Cotton + 3% Dupont Spandex Lesela: 97% Combed Rayon + 3% Dupont Spandex
Lesela: 97% Combed Nylon + 3% Dupont Spandex
Sekhomaretsi: Sekhomaretsi sa Acrylic sa Bongaka se ikhethileng
1, Bopaki ba metsi le bopaki ba mofufutso, 70% bopaki ba metsi (Boemo ba 3) (Matla a Sekhomaretsi: 5N/cm, HAABELI HO FETA Tape e Tloaelehileng)
4, Hypoallergenic (Sekhomaretsi sa Acrylic sa Bongaka) 5, matla a matla ≥160% |
1, papali ea Fascia
2, matlafatsa le ho khatholla mesifa 3, Ho khothaletsa phallo ea mali 4, ho khelosoa ha lymph 5, Fokotsa bohloko le bohloko 6, Ntlafatsa ts’ebetso ea liatleletiki |
OEM/Customization ka kopo
E fumaneha (E ntle ho LOW MOQ OEM)
E ka khoneha
Tloaelo|E Entsoe ka tloaelo
odara| Ho iketsetsa ka kopo|OEM
ODM|leibole ya poraefete|Ho iketsetsa motho|ka bomong| |