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Japanese Kinesiology Tape, kinesio tape japanese

Japanese Kinesiology Tape, kinesio 胶带 日本

10000rolls/day,中国|中国||工厂|制造商|供应商|公司| 批发的 人体工学 胶带 价钱

Kinesio tape is relatively new for ordinary people, but it has been dominant in professional sports for many years. This physiotherapy method comes from Japan and was proposed by Dr. Kenzo kasase in the 1980s. It includes covering selected parts of the body with a special plaster with weight, thickness and flexibility close to human skin. Waterproof paste has sinusoidal glue (excluding any drugs and latex) to facilitate air circulation. In fact, a glued plaster can even be used for a week or more until it begins to peel off. Kinesio tapes are not affected in motion because they are barely noticeable.

Kinesio tape for relieving low back pain

As we grow older, we become more vulnerable to pain. This problem is further exacerbated by incorrect posture during sleep, sitting and standing, as people tilt in the wrong way, creating tension in the lower back area. The sedentary lifestyle has become common, which makes the problem more common. Other bone defects, diseases and injuries may also cause discomfort in this area. That’s why we recommend kinesio tape in Glendale to relieve low back pain. The tape can be applied to the pelvic region or the entire lumbar region. Increased blood flow to the spine helps provide support and relief faster.

Kinesio tape for upper back pain relief

We also used 人体工学 taping in Glendale to relieve upper back pain. In particular, the neck is vulnerable to strain caused by leaning forward when standing and sleeping. Lethargy can also affect the upper back, especially the shoulders. Carrying heavy loads in your backpack or dragging luggage on the way to work can also exacerbate the problem.

Japanese Kinesiology Tape, kinesio tape japanese-CAREPROHEALTH- 人体工学胶带、弹性绷带、Would 敷料、交叉胶带、运动硬质胶带、弹性胶带、拉伸绷带、粘性绷带、Underwrap 泡沫、冰球胶带、创可贴、棉运动胶带、人造丝运动胶带、曲棍球胶带、手指胶带,PU胶带,PE胶带,丝绸胶带,纸胶带,鞋跟胶带,伤口敷料,硅胶贴片(去除疤痕),Dexcom贴片,吸塑创可贴,痤疮贴片,脚趾甲贴纸,嘴贴,乳头罩,胸部提升胶带,面部提升胶带,定制贴片,各种创可贴,蓝色金属可探测创可贴,不同形状创可贴,卡通创可贴,透明创可贴,织物创可贴,防水创可贴,丁腈手套,防毒手套,PL手术手套,乳胶手术手套,男用避孕套,女用避孕套


产品 运动员运动机能胶带,运动肌肉防水运动员治疗运动机能胶带,防水彩色运动机能胶带
材料 面料:97% 精梳棉 + 3% 杜邦氨纶
面料:97% 精梳人造丝 + 3% 杜邦氨纶
面料:97% 精梳尼龙 + 3% 杜邦氨纶
特点 1、防水防汗,70%防水(3级)
功能 1、筋膜导流
可根据要求进行 OEM/定制 可用(擅长低起订量 OEM)
免费的样品 Avaliable
容量 10000rolls/day,中国|中国||工厂|制造商|供应商|公司|
定制 定制|定制|定制定制