- 31
- Oct
Ultra Strength Healing High Gauss Acupressure Adhesives Plaster Muscle Pain Relief Magnetic Patch
Ultra Strength Healing High Gauss Acupressure Adhesives Plaster Muscle Pain Relief Magnetic Patch
Muhim tafsilotlar: Kelib chiqish joyi:, Xitoy
Tovar nomi: CP, Model raqami: CP-1150, Gauss: 3300
Funktsiya: Og’riq qoldiruvchi, MOQ: 300 quti, Material: To’qilmagan mato va Neodimiy
Magnit hajmi: 6 * 2 mm, To’lov: Paypal.western Union.TT
Qadoqlash: Qog’oz qutisi, Foydalanish: Magnit terapiyasi
1 quti o’z ichiga oladi: 30 magnit 30 almashtirish yopishtiruvchi to’plam Magnit terapiyasi
Qadoqlash va yetkazib berish, Sotish birliklari: Bitta mahsulot
Bitta paket hajmi: 15X10X1 sm, Yagona brutto og’irligi: 0.500 kg
Paket turi: Chakana, Opp sumka yoki sovg’a qutisi uchun
Katta miqdordagi ommaviy buyurtma uchun –
1) Har bir mahsulot alohida OPP sumkasi, sovg’a qutisi yoki elektrostatik membrana bilan o’ralgan. Asosiy poli sumkada 50-100 dona
2) Karton bilan yakuniy qadoqlash, 500 dona / ctn
3) Maxsus mijozlar qadoqlash ham mavjud, ammo qo’shimcha to’lov talab qilinadi
Mahsulot nomi
Magnetic Therapy Muscle Pain Relief Magnetic Patch
Mahsulot raqami
Non-woven Fabric & Neodymium
21*5mm, 27*5mm(1 pack = 10pieces)
skin, Magnetic color/silver, gold, black
customized Logo
1.Excellent Protection for knee during any weight lifting exercise,
2.If you are into powerlifting or you do heavy squats, deadlifts, etc.
.If your kenn hurt when you squat or deadlift then it would be very wise to invest in a pair of knee wraps today,
Tested for strength and endurance.
One pack/ pp bag,then in carton
do as your request
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