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Japanese Kinesiology Tape, kinesio tape japanese

Japanese Kinesiology Tape, kinesio cajalad Japan

10000rolls/maalintii,Shiinaha|Shiine||Warshad|Sare-Sare|Alaabo|Shirkad| jumlo sineology cajalad qiimaha

Kinesio tape is relatively new for ordinary people, but it has been dominant in professional sports for many years. This physiotherapy method comes from Japan and was proposed by Dr. Kenzo kasase in the 1980s. It includes covering selected parts of the body with a special plaster with weight, thickness and flexibility close to human skin. Waterproof paste has sinusoidal glue (excluding any drugs and latex) to facilitate air circulation. In fact, a glued plaster can even be used for a week or more until it begins to peel off. Kinesio tapes are not affected in motion because they are barely noticeable.

Kinesio tape for relieving low back pain

As we grow older, we become more vulnerable to pain. This problem is further exacerbated by incorrect posture during sleep, sitting and standing, as people tilt in the wrong way, creating tension in the lower back area. The sedentary lifestyle has become common, which makes the problem more common. Other bone defects, diseases and injuries may also cause discomfort in this area. That’s why we recommend kinesio tape in Glendale to relieve low back pain. The tape can be applied to the pelvic region or the entire lumbar region. Increased blood flow to the spine helps provide support and relief faster.

Kinesio tape for upper back pain relief

We also used sineology taping in Glendale to relieve upper back pain. In particular, the neck is vulnerable to strain caused by leaning forward when standing and sleeping. Lethargy can also affect the upper back, especially the shoulders. Carrying heavy loads in your backpack or dragging luggage on the way to work can also exacerbate the problem.

Japanese Kinesiology Tape, kinesio tape japanese-CAREPROHEALTH- kineziologická páska, elastické adhezívne obväzy, obväz, krížová páska, športová tuhá páska, elastická lepiaca páska, natiahnutá bandáž, súdržná bandáž, spodná pena, hokejová páska, páska, bavlnená športová páska z hodvábu, športová páska na prsty, hokejová páska Páska, PU páska, PE páska, hodvábna páska, papierová páska, páska na päty, obväz na rany, silikónové náplasti (odstráňte jazvu), náplasti Dexcom, páska na pľuzgiere, náplasti na akné, nálepka na nechty, páska na ústa, kryty bradaviek, páska na zdvíhanie prsníkov, Face Lift Tape,Prispôsobené náplasti,Rôzne náplasti,Blue Metal Detectable Band Ai,Rôzny tvar Band Aid,Cartoon Band Aid,Transparentná páska,Látková náplasť,Vodeodolná náplasť,Nitrilové rukavice,Antivírusové rukavice,Pl chirurgické rukavice, Latexové chirurgické rukavice, mužské kondómy, ženské kondómy


Product Ciyaartoyga Kinesiology Cajalad,Muruqa Ciyaaraha Ciyaartoyga aan Biyo Celin ee Daawaynta Sharoobada Kinesiology, Cajalad Kinesiology Midabaysan
WAXYAABAHA Dharka: 97% Cudbi Tolan + 3% Dupont Spandex
Dharka: 97% Shanley Rayon + 3% Dupont Spandex
Dharka: 97% Nayloon ka samaysan + 3% Dupont Spandex
Xabagta: Xabagta akriliga ee la caadaystay
Habkaani 1,Cadaynta biyaha iyo dhididka, 70% biyaha caddaynta (Heerka 3)
2,Maro jilicsan
3, Ku dheggan, in ka badan 7 maalmood.
4,Hypoallergenic (Xabagta Akril)
5, Elasticity ≥160%
SHAQEEYAAN 1, Fascia weecinta
2,Xooji oo naso muruqa
3, Kor u qaadida wareegga dhiigga
4,Lymph weecinta
5,Karee xanuunka iyo xanuunka
6, Kobcinta waxqabadka ciyaaraha fudud
OEM/is-habaynta marka la codsado La heli karo (Ku Wacan LOW MOQ OEM)
Caddaynta ISO13485, CE, FDA, REACH(SVHC), BSCI
BEDELKA 10000rolls/maalintii,Shiinaha|Shiine||Warshad|Sare-Sare|Alaabo|Shirkad|
Customization Habaynta
habayn|Cadaynta marka la codsado|OEM
ODM|calaamadaha gaarka ah|Shakhsinimada|Shakhsi ahaaneed|