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Dynamic Bandage ,Bandages and wound dressings,Dynamic tape

Dynamic Bandage
Bandages and wound dressings
Bandages and wound dressings cover the wound and prevent infection. They are sterile cloths used after cleaning and disinfecting the wound surface. Bandages and wound dressings keep the wound healed, free of debris and bacteria, and absorb body fluids. They are usually made of cotton and fixed with adhesive.

Dynamic Tape Single volume 2 ”
The cajalad waad sugi jirtay
Dynamic Tape  Not kinesiology or sports cajalad. It is a kind of biomechanical tape and a brand-new sports and therapeutic tape. Biomechanical tape is composed of innovative 4-way tensile tape, which has strong elastic resistance and different levels of recoil force. It can absorb and inject force to reduce the workload of the body. Biomechanical tape method aims to manage load, exercise mode and function. Dynamic Tape  It is a revolution in biomechanical tape. It does all this with soft and breathable tape, which is of such high quality and strength that professional athletes around the world believe in using their products every day. From rehabilitation to the world cup, firfircoon tape is changing the way we look at sports and therapeutic tape.
Different targets, different materials, different properties, different mechanisms = different applications

Dynamic Bandage ,Bandages and wound dressings,Dynamic tape details :Dynamic Tape It has very strong resistance and recoil force in its whole range (12-15kg when using Powerband), which enables it to produce real deceleration force and load absorption, store energy at the end of the range, and then re inject it into the system to assist shortening, all of which will not limit movement.
It is not designed to lift the skin at the end of the range, create space and have an impact mainly through neurophysiological means, like motor function tape. It is designed to be carried out with tension in the internal or medium range to provide mechanical resistance. Preliminary research shows that it can successfully change the position, motion mode and motion speed, and produce significant compression.


Dynamic Bandage  ,Bandages and wound dressings,Dynamic tape-CAREPROHEALTH- kineziologická páska, elastické adhezívne obväzy, obväz, krížová páska, športová tuhá páska, elastická lepiaca páska, natiahnutá bandáž, súdržná bandáž, spodná pena, hokejová páska, páska, bavlnená športová páska z hodvábu, športová páska na prsty, hokejová páska Páska, PU páska, PE páska, hodvábna páska, papierová páska, páska na päty, obväz na rany, silikónové náplasti (odstráňte jazvu), náplasti Dexcom, páska na pľuzgiere, náplasti na akné, nálepka na nechty, páska na ústa, kryty bradaviek, páska na zdvíhanie prsníkov, Face Lift Tape,Prispôsobené náplasti,Rôzne náplasti,Blue Metal Detectable Band Ai,Rôzny tvar Band Aid,Cartoon Band Aid,Transparentná páska,Látková náplasť,Vodeodolná náplasť,Nitrilové rukavice,Antivírusové rukavice,Pl chirurgické rukavice, Latexové chirurgické rukavice, mužské kondómy, ženské kondómy

Product Ciyaartoyda Kinesiology Cape ,Ciyaaradaha Murqaha Biyaha Aanay Biyo Celin

Dharka: 97% Cudbi Tolan + 3% Dupont Spandex

Dharka: 97% Shanley Rayon + 3% Dupont Spandex
Dharka: 97% Nayloon ka samaysan + 3% Dupont Spandex
Xabagta: Xabagta akriliga ee la caadaystay

1,Cadaynta biyaha iyo dhididka, 70% biyaha caddaynta (Heerka 3)
2,Maro jilicsan
3, Ku dheggan, in ka badan 7 maalmood.

(Xoogga Xabagta: 5N/cm, LAMBAYN KA BADAN Cajalad Caadiga ah)
4,Hypoallergenic (Xabagta Akril)
5, Elasticity ≥160%
1, Fascia weecinta
2,Xooji oo naso muruqa
3, Kor u qaadida wareegga dhiigga
4,Lymph weecinta
5,Karee xanuunka iyo xanuunka
6, Kobcinta waxqabadka ciyaaraha fudud
OEM/is-habaynta marka la codsado
La heli karo (ku Wacan LOW MOQ OEM)
habayn|Cadaynta marka la codsado|OEM
ODM|gaarka ah sumad|Shakhsiyaynta|Shakhsiyeed|