- 01
- Jun
What are cork balls? Cork fascia ball
What are cork balls? Cork fascia ball
10,000 gulungan / dina, China|Cina||Pabrik|Produsen|Pemasok|Perusahaan| Grosir Kinesiologi tape price
Careprohealth Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.
Whatsapp/Wechat: +86 136 8523 7277
Email: info@careprohealthmed.com
Situs web: www.careprohealthmed.com
Whatsapp/Wechat: +86 136 8523 7277
Email: info@careprohealthmed.com
Situs web: www.careprohealthmed.com
What are cork balls?
Massage ball or fascia ball is mainly used for exercise and treatment, and self massage with your own weight. Increase your flexibility and use the ball that also supports regeneration.
Self massage with a kinex softball to release tense body parts and reduce pain. Popular applications are the fascia and muscle tissue of the neck, back, legs and arms, and the soles of the feet, which are often under pressure in daily life. Our double balls can also be used for active rolling after sports activities.
Kabeh produk fascia kita digawe saka 100% gabus alami lan sustainable.
Product | Pita Kinesiologi Atlet, Pita Kinesiologi Olahraga Otot Tahan Air Terapi Atlet, Pita Kinesiologi Warna-warni Tahan Air |
MATERIAL | Kain: 97% Cotton Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex |
Kain: 97% Rayon Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex | |
Kain: 97% Nylon Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex | |
Lem: Lem Akrilik Medis sing disesuaikan | |
FEATURE | 1, Anti banyu lan kringet, 70% tahan banyu (Level 3) |
2, kain alus | |
3, Lengket, luwih saka 7 dina.(Kekuwatan Lem: 5N/cm, GANDA DARI Pita Biasa) | |
4, Hypoallergenic (Lem Akrilik Medis) | |
5, Elastisitas ≥160% | |
FUNCTION | 1, Pengalihan fascia |
2, Nguatake lan ngendhokke otot | |
3, Ningkatake sirkulasi getih | |
4, Pengalihan limfa | |
5, Ngurangi lara lan nyeri | |
6, Ningkatake kinerja atletik | |
OEM / Kustomisasi miturut panyuwunan | Kasedhiya (Apik ing LOW MOQ OEM) |
SAMPEL GRATIS | Kasedhiyan |
KAPASITAS | 10,000 gulungan / dina, China|Cina|Pabrik|Produsen|Pemasok|Kinesiologi Grosir tape price |
pangaturan | Kustomisasi|Custom-Made|customized |
pesenan|Kustomisasi miturut panyuwunan|OEM | |
ODM|label pribadi|Personalisasi|individual| |