- 20
- Apr
What kind of tape do you use for pull up bars? Sports tape
Apa jenis tape do you use for pull up bars? Sports tape
10000gulungan/dina,China|Cina||Pabrik|Produsen|Pemasok|Perusahaan| borongan kinesiologi tape price
After reviewing the search market and user’s comments on the belt and handle, we are pleased to provide you with a list of our favorite tapes and foam handles love below. The tape is used to wrap the lead up rod, and the foam handle is an accessory. You can place it on the chin up rod to help achieve the same purpose. Be sure to identify which functions are important to you before deciding which tape or foam grip is most suitable for your home chin up.
This tape is very easy to use, with a tear able design, and does not even require scissors for installation. It consists of a porous design to maximize airflow and can also be used as finger tape or ankle tape to provide additional support during exercise or rock climbing.
Product | Pita Kinesiologi Atlet, Pita Kinesiologi Olahraga Otot Tahan Air Terapi Atlet, Pita Kinesiologi Warna-warni Tahan Air |
MATERIAL | Kain: 97% Cotton Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex |
Kain: 97% Rayon Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex | |
Kain: 97% Nylon Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex | |
Lem: Lem Akrilik Medis sing disesuaikan | |
FEATURE | 1, Anti banyu lan kringet, 70% tahan banyu (Level 3) |
2, kain alus | |
3, Lengket, luwih saka 7 dina.(Kekuwatan Lem: 5N/cm, GANDA DARI Pita Biasa) | |
4, Hypoallergenic (Lem Akrilik Medis) | |
5, Elastisitas ≥160% | |
FUNCTION | 1, Pengalihan fascia |
2, Nguatake lan ngendhokke otot | |
3, Ningkatake sirkulasi getih | |
4, Pengalihan limfa | |
5, Ngurangi lara lan nyeri | |
6, Ningkatake kinerja atletik | |
OEM / Kustomisasi miturut panyuwunan | Kasedhiya (Apik ing LOW MOQ OEM) |
SAMPEL GRATIS | Kasedhiyan |
KAPASITAS | 10000gulungan/dina,China|Cina||Pabrik|Produsen|Pemasok|Perusahaan| |
pangaturan | Kustomisasi|Custom-Made|customized |
pesenan|Kustomisasi miturut panyuwunan|OEM | |
ODM|label pribadi|Personalisasi|individual| |