- 18
- Apr
How strong is kinesiology tape? strength tape kinesiology
How strong is kinesiologi tape? strength tape kinesiologi
10000gulungan/dina,China|Cina||Pabrik|Produsen|Pemasok|Perusahaan| borongan kinesiologi tape price
Sports tape is often used to form support around joints, which actually limits movement. On the other hand, kinesio tape can actually stretch to 40% of its original length while maintaining its elasticity, which enables it to provide support without hindering body movement.
Our athletic tape helps support common injuries and helps heal. Whether you want to recover from injuries, prevent injuries, or seek an advantage in performance. Ergonomic tapes are different from other sports tapes in sensory mode and application mode. Instead of completely wrapping the sports tape around the injured area, the sports tape is directly attached to the target area above and around the injured area. Its unique elastic properties provide support while allowing extensive movement and helping to improve blood flow and lymphatic circulation.
Product | Pita Kinesiologi Atlet, Pita Kinesiologi Olahraga Otot Tahan Air Terapi Atlet, Pita Kinesiologi Warna-warni Tahan Air |
MATERIAL | Kain: 97% Cotton Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex |
Kain: 97% Rayon Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex | |
Kain: 97% Nylon Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex | |
Lem: Lem Akrilik Medis sing disesuaikan | |
FEATURE | 1, Anti banyu lan kringet, 70% tahan banyu (Level 3) |
2, kain alus | |
3, Lengket, luwih saka 7 dina.(Kekuwatan Lem: 5N/cm, GANDA DARI Pita Biasa) | |
4, Hypoallergenic (Lem Akrilik Medis) | |
5, Elastisitas ≥160% | |
FUNCTION | 1, Pengalihan fascia |
2, Nguatake lan ngendhokke otot | |
3, Ningkatake sirkulasi getih | |
4, Pengalihan limfa | |
5, Ngurangi lara lan nyeri | |
6, Ningkatake kinerja atletik | |
OEM / Kustomisasi miturut panyuwunan | Kasedhiya (Apik ing LOW MOQ OEM) |
SAMPEL GRATIS | Kasedhiyan |
KAPASITAS | 10000gulungan/dina,China|Cina||Pabrik|Produsen|Pemasok|Perusahaan| |
pangaturan | Kustomisasi|Custom-Made|customized |
pesenan|Kustomisasi miturut panyuwunan|OEM | |
ODM|label pribadi|Personalisasi|individual| |