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Isit la se pwodwi prensipal konpayi nou an ak background konpayi nou an:

Konpayi Carepro te nan zòn sa a nan kinezyoloji tep for more than 15 years, we are one of the very first kinesiology tep factories in China.

200 workers, 10000 ㎡ clean workshop, 15 years experience, up to now ,15 years’+ vendor of Wal-mart, ALDI ,CVS health ,Rock tep ,Vetkintape ,Muller tape , Eurosirel etc. ,CE ,ISO13485 ,FDA ,GMP ,BSCI certificated. one hour reach shanghai ,ningbo port, this is how we keep superior quality and competitive offers for global valued customers.

Pwodwi prensipal nou yo kouvri tep kinezyoloji koton klasik, kasèt kinezyoloji sentetik rayyon, kasèt kinezyoloji detire kat fason, patch soulajman doulè 2/6/8/9 Pcs kasèt kwa, bandaj kinesyoloji kim, Nowoven limenm fleksib bandaj elastik, tep espò, andui blese elatriye. .

Ekip nou an-CAREPROHEALTH- Tep kinezyoloji, bandaj adezif elastik, ta abiye, tep kwa, tep rijid espò, bandaj adezif elastik, bandaj lonje, bandaj limenm, kim pou kouvri glas, kasèt Hockey glas, èd bann, kasèt koton espò Rayon tep espò, tep Hockey Tep, tep PU, tep PE, tep swa, tep papye, tep talon, pansman blesi, plak silikon (Retire mak), patch Dexcom, èd anpoul, plak akne, fich zong pye, tep bouch, kouvèti pwent tete, tep leve tete, Tep Lift figi, Patch Customized, Asòti Band Èd, Blue Metal Detekte Band Ai, Band Èd fòm diferan, Band Èd desen, Band Èd transparan, Band èd twal, Band èd ki enpèmeyab, Gan nitril, Gan anti-viris, Pl Chiriji Gan, Gan chirijikal an latèks, kapòt pou gason, kapòt pou fi