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How does Posture Tape Work? Why Posture Taping

How does Posture Tape Work? Why Posture Taping

10,000 ruller/dag,Kina|Kinesisk||Fabrik|Producent|Leverandør|Virksomhed| Engros Kinesiologi tape pris

Careprohealth Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.
Whatsapp/Wechat: +86 136 8523 7277

Funktionel tape is an easy to implement therapy that can benefit your customers in a variety of ways, including relieving chronic pain pain, reducing edema caused by bruises or swelling, improving proprioception for better functional output, and re education of kropsholdning habits to correct kropsholdning.

When you use functional tape for posture correction, it is called posture tape. Complete postural correction has three components:

Spinal alignment

Postural rehabilitation

Posture habit re education

Posture recording was used as a reminder of posture habit re education. This posture reminder is applicable to skin and can remind you to keep correct posture for 24 hours. Gesture stickers can improve the proprioception of the gesture system and act as a trigger to correct the gesture when the customer starts to feel depressed.

How does Posture Tape Work? Why Posture Taping-CAREPROHEALTH- Kinesiologitape, elastiske selvklæbende bandager, ville bandager, krydstape, sportsstift tape, elastisk selvklæbende bandage, strakt bandage, sammenhængende bandage, underwrap skum, ishockey tape, band aid, bomuld sport tape, rayon sports tape, fingerrayon sport tape Tape, PU-tape, PE-tape, silketape, papirtape, hæltape, sårforbinding, silikonelapper (fjern ar), Dexcom-plastre, blisterplaster, acneplastre, tånegleklistermærke, mundtape, brystvortebetræk, brystløftstape, Ansigtsløftningstape, Skræddersyede plastre, Assorteret Band Aid, Blue Metal Detekterbar Band Ai, Forskellige Form Band Aid, Cartoon Band Aid, Transparent Band Aid, Stof Band Aid, Vandtæt Band Aid, Nitril Handsker, Anti-virus handsker, Pl kirurgiske handsker, Latex kirurgiske handsker, mandlige kondomer, kvindelige kondomer


Produkt Atleter Kinesiologi Tape, Sports Muscle Vandtæt Atleter Therapy Kinesiology Tape, Vandtæt Farverig Kinesiologi Tape
MATERIALE Stof: 97% kæmmet bomuld + 3% Dupont Spandex
Stof: 97% Combed Rayon + 3% Dupont Spandex
Stof: 97% kæmmet nylon + 3% Dupont Spandex
Lim: tilpasset medicinsk akryllim
FEATURE 1, vandtæt og svedtæt, 70% vandtæt (niveau 3)
2, blød klud
3, klæbrig, mere end 7 dage. (Limstyrke: 5N/cm, DOBBELT END normal tape)
4, Hypoallergenisk (medicinsk akryllim)
5, Elasticitet ≥160%
FUNCTION 1,Fascia-afledning
2, Styrk og slap af musklen
3, Fremme blodcirkulationen
4, Lymfeafledning
5, Reducer ømhed og smerte
6, Forbedre atletisk præstation
OEM/tilpasning efter anmodning Tilgængelig (god til LOW MOQ OEM)
KAPACITET 10000 ruller/dag,Kina|Kinesisk||Fabrik|Producent|Leverandør|Virksomhed|
Tilpasning Tilpasning|Tilpasset|tilpasset tilpasset
ordre|Tilpasning efter anmodning|OEM
ODM|privat label|Personliggørelse|individualiseret|