- 28
- May
How does Posture Tape Work? Why Posture Taping
How does Posture Tape Work? Why Posture Taping
በቀን 10,000ሮል, ቻይና|ቻይንኛ||ፋብሪካ|አምራች|አቅራቢ|ኩባንያ| በጅምላ ካንሲዮሎጂ ቲፕ ዋጋ
WhatsApp/Wechat፡ +86 136 8523 7277
ኢሜል፡ info@careprohealthmed.com
ድር ጣቢያ: www.careprohealthmed.com
ተግባራዊ ቲፕ is an easy to implement therapy that can benefit your customers in a variety of ways, including relieving chronic pain pain, reducing edema caused by bruises or swelling, improving proprioception for better functional output, and re education of አቀማመጥ habits to correct አቀማመጥ.
When you use functional tape for posture correction, it is called posture tape. Complete postural correction has three components:
የአከርካሪ አሰላለፍ
Postural rehabilitation
Posture habit re education
Posture recording was used as a reminder of posture habit re education. This posture reminder is applicable to skin and can remind you to keep correct posture for 24 hours. Gesture stickers can improve the proprioception of the gesture system and act as a trigger to correct the gesture when the customer starts to feel depressed.
የምርት | አትሌቶች ኪንሲዮሎጂ ቴፕ፣የስፖርት ጡንቻ ውሃ የማይገባ አትሌቶች ቴራፒ ኪንሲዮሎጂ ቴፕ፣ ውሃ የማይገባ ቀለም ያለው የኪንሲዮሎጂ ቴፕ |
ቁስ | ጨርቅ:97% የተጣመረ ጥጥ + 3% ዱፖንት ስፓንዴክስ |
ጨርቅ:97% ጥምር ሬዮን + 3% ዱፖንት Spandex | |
ጨርቅ:97% የተቀመረ ናይሎን + 3% ዱፖንት Spandex | |
ሙጫ፡ ብጁ የሕክምና አክሬሊክስ ሙጫ | |
ባህሪ | 1, የውሃ መከላከያ እና ላብ, 70% የውሃ መከላከያ (ደረጃ 3) |
2, ለስላሳ ጨርቅ | |
3, ተጣባቂ, ከ 7 ቀናት በላይ. (የሙጫ ጥንካሬ: 5N/ሴሜ, ከመደበኛ ቴፕ በእጥፍ) | |
4, ሃይፖአለርጅኒክ (የሕክምና አክሬሊክስ ማጣበቂያ) | |
5, የመለጠጥ ችሎታ ≥160% | |
ተግባር | 1, Fascia አቅጣጫ መቀየር |
2, ጡንቻን ማጠናከር እና ዘና ማድረግ | |
3, የደም ዝውውርን ያበረታታል | |
4, የሊምፍ አቅጣጫ መቀየር | |
5, ህመምን እና ህመምን ይቀንሱ | |
6, የአትሌቲክስ አፈፃፀምን ያሳድጉ | |
ኦሪጂናል ዕቃ አምራች/ብጁ ማድረግ ሲጠየቅ | የሚገኝ (በ LOW MOQ OEM ጥሩ) |
የምስክር ወረቀት | ISO13485፣ CE፣ FDA፣ REACH(SVHC)፣ BSCI |
ነፃ ናሙናዎች | የ WebM |
CAPACITY | በቀን 10000ሮል፣ቻይና|ቻይንኛ||ፋብሪካ|አምራች|አቅራቢ|ኩባንያ| |
ማበጀት | ማበጀት|ብጁ-የተሰራ|የተበጀ ብጁ |
ትዕዛዝ|በተጠየቀ ጊዜ ማበጀት|OEM | |
ODM|የግል መለያ|ግላዊነት ማላበስ|ግለሰብ| |