- 20
- Apr
How Does Kinesiology Tape Work? Kinesiology Tape Manufacturer
How Does Kinesiology Tape Work? Kinesiology Tape Manufacturer
10000 rulon/kun, Xitoy|Xitoy||Zavod|Ishlab chiqaruvchi|Yetkazib beruvchi|Kompaniya| ulgurji kinesiologiya tarmoqli narx
1. The thickness and elasticity of ergonomic tarmoqli are almost the same as that of human skin. This means that once you apply it, you hardly know where it is. Most applications can be worn comfortably for up to 5 kun.
2. When the stretched motor tape is pasted on the inflamed area, the skin will be gently lifted as the tape attempts to return to the non stretched state. This can be seen as slight wrinkling or wrinkling in the area of the tape. This lifting creates a space between the skin and the underlying inflamed tissue. Reduce the pressure on blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerve endings at the injured site. The improved blood flow enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the injured tissue and accelerates the healing process. Improved lymphatic flow can reduce swelling, so as to reduce the pressure of pain receptors, so as to quickly relieve pain.
3. Because the ergonomic adhesive tape can be worn 24 / 7 for up to 5 kun, the body can obtain treatment benefits all day during the whole wearing process. It’s a bit like uninterrupted physical therapy, day and night, for five days. This fact alone greatly accelerates the healing process, allowing a faster return to normal activity.
mahsulot | Sportchilar kinesiologiya tasmasi, sport mushaklari suv o’tkazmaydigan sportchilar terapiyasi kinesiologiya tasmasi, suv o’tkazmaydigan rangli kinesiologik lenta |
MODDIY | Mato: 97% taroqli paxta + 3% Dupont Spandex |
Mato: 97% taroqli rayon + 3% Dupont Spandex | |
Mato: 97% taralgan neylon + 3% Dupont Spandex | |
Yelim: moslashtirilgan tibbiy akril elim | |
xususiyat | 1, suv o’tkazmaydigan va terga chidamli, 70% suv o’tkazmaydigan (3-daraja) |
2, yumshoq mato | |
3, yopishqoq, 7 kundan ortiq. (Yelimning mustahkamligi: 5N/sm, oddiy lentadan ikki baravar) | |
4, hipoalerjenik (tibbiy akril elim) | |
5, elastiklik ≥160% | |
FUNCTION | 1, Fasyani burish |
2, mushakni mustahkamlang va bo’shashtiring | |
3, qon aylanishini rag’batlantirish | |
4, limfa o’zgarishi | |
5, og’riq va og’riqni kamaytiring | |
6, sport ko’rsatkichlarini oshirish | |
OEM / so’rov bo’yicha moslashtirish | Mavjud (LOW MOQ OEM da yaxshi) |
BEPUL SAMPELLAR | o’tkazilishi ehtimoli bor |
Mumkin | 10000 rulon/kun, Xitoy|Xitoy||Zavod|Ishlab chiqaruvchi|Yetkazib beruvchi|Kompaniya| |
xususiylashtirish | Moslashtirish|Buyurtmalangan|moslashtirilgan moslashtirilgan |
buyurtma|So’rov bo’yicha moslashtirish|OEM | |
ODM|xususiy yorliq|Shaxsiylashtirish|individuallashtirilgan| |