- 16
- Apr
What does muscle aid tape do?Muscle Aid Tape Colors for Bulk Rolls
Nima qiladi? mushaklar yordam tarmoqli do?Muscle Aid Tape Colors for Bulk Rolls
10000 rulon/kun, Xitoy|Xitoy||Zavod|Ishlab chiqaruvchi|Yetkazib beruvchi|Kompaniya| ulgurji kinesiologiya tarmoqli narx
This is an innovative and comfortable sports tape. Its unique and flexible wave pattern adhesive promotes healing by improving blood circulation and relieving pain.
Wave pattern adhesive provides the same flexibility as human muscle tissue for excellent contact.
Waterproof makes this tape provide relief even during water sports and treatment.
Improves blood flow and helps retrain the neuromuscular system for better healing.
Excellent breathability allows sweat to evaporate, making it more comfortable to wear.
Perfect for relieving joint and muscle pain at all levels of exercise.
mahsulot | Sportchilarning kinesiologiya tasmasi, sport mushaklari suv o’tkazmaydigan sportchilar terapiyasi kinesiologiya tasmasi, suv o’tkazmaydigan rangli kinesiologik lenta |
Mato: 97% taroqli paxta + 3% Dupont Spandex Mato: 97% taroqli rayon + 3% Dupont Spandex Mato: 97% taralgan neylon + 3% Dupont Spandex
Yelim: moslashtirilgan tibbiy akril elim
1, suv o’tkazmaydigan va terga chidamli, 70% suv o’tkazmaydigan (3-daraja) |
1, Fasya og’ish
2, mushakni mustahkamlang va bo’shashtiring 3, qon aylanishini rag’batlantirish 4, limfa o’zgarishi 5, og’riq va og’riqni kamaytiring 6, sport ko’rsatkichlarini oshirish |
OEM / so’rov bo’yicha moslashtirish
Mavjud (Past MOQ OEM-da yaxshi)
ISO13485, Idoralar, FDA, REACH (SVHC), BSCI
o’tkazilishi ehtimoli bor
10000 rulon/kun, Xitoy|Xitoy||Zavod|Ishlab chiqaruvchi|Yetkazib beruvchi|Kompaniya|
Moslashtirish|Buyurtmalangan|moslashtirilgan moslashtirilgan
buyurtma|So’rov bo’yicha moslashtirish|OEM
ODM|shaxsiy label|Shaxsiylashtirish|individuallashtirilgan| |