- 16
- Apr
What is elastic tape? The difference between athletic tape and elastic tape
What is elastic kaset? The difference between athletic tape and elastic tape
10000 gulungan / dinten, Cina|Cina||Pabrik|Produsen|Pamasok|Pausahaan| borongan kinesiologi kaset harga
Kinesiotape and rock tape are types of elastic tape that can be stretched to 140% of its original length. They are made of cotton, elastic filaments and highly durable glue. They are latex free and waterproof, providing tactile and mechanical stimulation.
Elastic tape includes applying a bandage composed of elastic and adhesive materials to the affected muscle in the extended position, starting from the starting point of the muscle and continuing until its insertion. Once applied, the tape is then rubbed to activate the pressure sensitive adhesive.
The main difference of sports tape is whether it is elastic or inelastic. Stretch tape: this tape is usually used to apply pressure and provide support to injured areas such as compression bandages.
barang | Pita Kinesiologi Atlét, Pita Kinesiologi Otot Olahraga Otot Waterproof Terapi Kinesiologi, Pita Kinesiologi Warna-warni Tahan Air |
Lawon: 97% Katun Combed + 3% Dupont Spandex lawon: 97% Combed Rayon + 3% Dupont Spandex lawon: 97% Combed Nylon + 3% Dupont Spandex
Lem: ngaropéa Médis Acrylic lem
hal nu husus
1,Tahan cai sareng tahan kesang, 70% tahan cai (Level 3) |
1, Fascia hiburan
2, Nguatkeun sareng bersantai otot 3, Ngaronjatkeun sirkulasi getih 4, limfa alihan 5, Ngurangan nyeri jeung nyeri 6, Ningkatkeun kinerja athletic |
OEM / Kustomisasi kana pamundut
Sadia (Alus di LOW MOQ OEM)
ISO13485, CE, FDA, jangkauan (SVHC), BSCI
10000rolls / dinten, Cina|Cina||Pabrik|Produsen|Pamasok|Pausahaan|
Kustomisasi|Custom-Dijieun|custom custom
pesenan|Kustomisasi kana pamundut|OEM
ODM|pribados labél|Personalisasi|individual| |