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What’s the difference on Athletic Tape vs. Kinesiology Tape?

What’s the difference on Athletic Tape vs. Kinesiology Tape?

10000rolls/ມື້,ຈີນ|ຈີນ||ໂຮງງານ|ຜູ້ຜະລິດ|ຜູ້ສະໜອງ|ບໍລິສັດ| ຂາຍສົ່ງ kinesiology tape ລາຄາ

For wrist pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome, you will see the different benefits of sports tape ແລະກິລາ tape. Look at the benefits of each recording application and see which is best for you.

Sports tape has always been used in sports medicine and physical therapy of sprain. It is harder than ergonomic tape and gives users a similar experience as wearing splints. It’s cheap and easy to find. If you are looking for a higher level of wrist support, sports tape is your best choice.

Kinesiology tape is a relatively new product. It does not provide important joint support like sports tape. Breathable, lightweight tape gently lifts the skin, increasing the space for the tape, thereby promoting lymph and blood circulation. Kinesio patch method has been adopted by physiotherapists and other health care professionals as a treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome.

What’s the difference on Athletic Tape vs. Kinesiology Tape?-CAREPROHEALTH- Kinesiology tape, elastic adhesive bandages,Would dressing,Cross Tape,Sports Rigid Tape,Elastic Adhesive Bandage, stretched Bandage, Cohesive bandage, Underwrap Foam, Ice Hockey Tape, Band aid, Cotton Sports Tape Rayoney Sports Tape, Tape, PU Tape, PE Tape, Silk Tape, Paper Tape, Heel tape, ຜ້າເຊັດບາດແຜ, Silicone Patches (ເອົາຮອຍແປ້ວ), Dexcom Patches, Blister band aid, ແຜ່ນຕິດສິວ, Toenail Sticker, Mouth Tape, Nipple Coverers, Boob Lift Tape, ເທບຍົກໃບຫນ້າ, ແຜ່ນແພທີ່ກໍາຫນົດເອງ, ແຖບຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອປະເພດ, ແຖບທີ່ກວດພົບໂລຫະສີຟ້າ Ai, ແຖບຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອຮູບຮ່າງທີ່ແຕກຕ່າງກັນ, ແຖບຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອກາຕູນ, ແຖບໂປ່ງໃສ, ການຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອແຖບຜ້າ, ການຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອແຖບກັນນ້ໍາ, ຖົງມື nitrile, ຖົງມືຕ້ານເຊື້ອໄວຣັດ, Pls ຖົງມືຜ່າຕັດ, ຖົງມືຜ່າຕັດຢາງ, ຖົງຢາງອະນາໄມຜູ້ຊາຍ, ຖົງຢາງອະນາໄມຍິງ

ຜະ​ລິດ​ຕະ​ພັນ ເທບ Kinesiology ນັກກິລາ, ກິລາກ້າມຊີ້ນກັນນ້ໍານັກກິລາການປິ່ນປົວດ້ວຍເທບ Kinesiology, ເທບ Kinesiology ສີກັນນ້ໍາ
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ຄຸນ​ນະ​ສົມ​ບັດ 1​, ກັນ​ນ​້​ໍ​າ​ແລະ​ກັນ​ເຫື່ອ​, 70​% ກັນ​ນ​້​ໍ​າ (ລະ​ດັບ 3​)
2, ຜ້າອ່ອນ
3, ຫນຽວ, ຫຼາຍກ່ວາ 7 ມື້.
4, Hypoallergenic (ກາວ Acrylic ການແພດ)
5, ຄວາມຍືດຫຍຸ່ນ≥160%
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2​, ເສີມ​ສ້າງ​ແລະ​ຜ່ອນ​ຄາຍ​ກ້າມ​ຊີ້ນ​
3, ກະຕຸ້ນການໄຫຼວຽນຂອງເລືອດ
4​, ການ​ຜັນ​ແປ​ຂອງ Lymph​
5​, ຫຼຸດ​ຜ່ອນ​ອາ​ການ​ເຈັບ​ປວດ​
6​, ເພີ່ມ​ທະ​ວີ​ການ​ປະ​ຕິ​ບັດ​ການ​ກິ​ລາ​
OEM / ການປັບແຕ່ງຕາມການຮ້ອງຂໍ ສາມາດໃຊ້ໄດ້ (ດີຢູ່ທີ່ຕໍ່າ MOQ OEM)
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