- 18
- Apr
How do you put kinesiology tape on your bicep? Kinesiology tape upper arm
How do you put kinesiology ቲፕ on your bicep? Kinesiology ቲፕ የላይኛው ክንድ
በቀን 10000ሮል፣ቻይና|ቻይንኛ||ፋብሪካ|አምራች|አቅራቢ|ኩባንያ| በጅምላ ኪኔሲዮሎጂ ቲፕ ዋጋ
መንስኤዎች ቢላፕስ pain and injury
Biceps pain can be caused by many problems, including muscle tear, nerve compression, ligament or tendon injury or lymph node enlargement. Lifting too much weight, grasping heavy objects or repeatedly pulling muscles and tendons can lead to ቢላፕስ pain and biceps tendinitis.
Symptoms of biceps pain
The pain will be along the biceps or the front of the shoulder, indicating biceps tendinitis. Biceps strain and muscle pain are more common in acute injuries, while pain in the front of the shoulder is more common in diseases that develop over time.
Our tape can help relieve biceps pain by relaxing damaged muscles, increasing blood flow to reduce inflammation or reduce stress in the area.
However, biceps pain can range from small problems to serious problems. If you are unsure, consult a healthcare professional.
የምርት | አትሌቶች ኪንሲዮሎጂ ቴፕ፣የስፖርት ጡንቻ ውሃ የማይገባ አትሌቶች ቴራፒ ኪንሲዮሎጂ ቴፕ፣ ውሃ የማይገባ ቀለም ያለው የኪንሲዮሎጂ ቴፕ |
ቁስ | ጨርቅ:97% የተጣመረ ጥጥ + 3% ዱፖንት ስፓንዴክስ |
ጨርቅ:97% ጥምር ሬዮን + 3% ዱፖንት Spandex | |
ጨርቅ:97% የተቀመረ ናይሎን + 3% ዱፖንት Spandex | |
ሙጫ፡ ብጁ የሕክምና አክሬሊክስ ሙጫ | |
ባህሪ | 1, የውሃ መከላከያ እና ላብ, 70% የውሃ መከላከያ (ደረጃ 3) |
2, ለስላሳ ጨርቅ | |
3, ተጣባቂ, ከ 7 ቀናት በላይ. (የሙጫ ጥንካሬ: 5N/ሴሜ, ከመደበኛ ቴፕ በእጥፍ) | |
4, ሃይፖአለርጅኒክ (የሕክምና አክሬሊክስ ማጣበቂያ) | |
5, የመለጠጥ ችሎታ ≥160% | |
ተግባር | 1, Fascia አቅጣጫ መቀየር |
2, ጡንቻን ማጠናከር እና ዘና ማድረግ | |
3, የደም ዝውውርን ያበረታታል | |
4, የሊምፍ አቅጣጫ መቀየር | |
5, ህመምን እና ህመምን ይቀንሱ | |
6, የአትሌቲክስ አፈፃፀምን ያሳድጉ | |
ኦሪጂናል ዕቃ አምራች/ብጁ ማድረግ ሲጠየቅ | የሚገኝ (በ LOW MOQ OEM ጥሩ) |
የምስክር ወረቀት | ISO13485፣ CE፣ FDA፣ REACH(SVHC)፣ BSCI |
ነፃ ናሙናዎች | የ WebM |
CAPACITY | በቀን 10000ሮል፣ቻይና|ቻይንኛ||ፋብሪካ|አምራች|አቅራቢ|ኩባንያ| |
ማበጀት | ማበጀት|ብጁ-የተሰራ|የተበጀ ብጁ |
ትዕዛዝ|በተጠየቀ ጊዜ ማበጀት|OEM | |
ODM|የግል መለያ|ግላዊነት ማላበስ|ግለሰብ| |